If Your Realtor Gives You A Pumpkin…

It’s that time of year again when realtors do their annual pumpkin dropoff. Well…not all realtors – just the ones that follow the traditional real estate marketing model of ingratiating yourself with your clients. It’s an old realtor ploy popularized in the realtors’ bible: How To List & Sell Real Estate In The 21st Century. On page page 53 the author tells the story about how she learned about the success of Tommy Hopkins in Simi Valley a few weeks after she started in real estate: “For Halloween, he rents a truck and loads it up with pumpkins. Then he puts on a ghost costume and drives around his neighborhood giving away pumpkins.” She includes this strategy again under her “Full Year Farming Almanac” on page 93 under October SUPER-promotion.

Uhhhh…I refuse to go around in a ghost costume – even at Halloween. I’d rather discount my commission and give rebates to buyers.

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