Your GettingReal Feed May Disappear With New ChicagoNow Platform

Tonight ChicagoNow is switching their site over to a new platform. This is widely expected to be an improvement to the site and its blogs. However, one side effect of this transition may be that your GettingReal feed will disappear. It all depends.

If you signed up for our alerts on the ChicagoNow site then there is a good chance your feed will go away. However, if you signed up on then you are probably OK. The way you can tell which one you have is that the Lucid Realty based feed is

During this transition period you may not be able to reinitiate your feed from ChicagoNow but you can always go to and initiate a feed from there. There is actually a slight advantage to signing up through this latter alternative in that this provides you a combined feed that includes occasional posts from my colleagues.

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